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Julia Houtzager-Kayser

Julia was born in 1974 in Munich. In 1985  Julia moved to Kirchberg (Austria) with her family. Here she received the Austrian nationality in 1989.

When Julia was 8 years old she started riding at a riding school in Munich. At 12 years of age she got her first own horse. She won a lot of titles at the time in the competition for youngsters in Tirol, both in dressage, show jumping and military.


Up untill 1992 Julia studied at the Gymnasium in St. Johann in Tirol. When she was 18 she quit school and move to Germany with her 4 horses to learn more and to work. She worked with Manfred Marschall and Andres Knippling, among others. After that she worked independently fors ome time in Neumarkt in Germany.


In 1999 Julia met Marc. She left Austria in 2000 to come live with Marc in the Netherlands, in Rouveen.


Julia’s greatest success were becoming 18th at the EC in Donaueschingen with Milwaukee’s Kit, the Grand Prix of Linz in 2007 and the Grand Prix of Chemyakovsk with Pherna (from Corland). With Pherna Julia became reserve for the Austrian team for the EC in Mannheim and shethe participated in the EC in Windsor. Julia has a lot of placements in Grand Prix’s with different horses.


In 2009 the family of Marc and Julia was accompanied by their daughter Nina. In 2012 Marc and Julia opened their new stable complex on the same site. In September of 2014 they got married in Austria. In november 2015 they got their second daughter Liz.

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Stal Houtzager-Kayser

Stal van Marc Houtzager en Julia Kayser

  • @Thu 1 January